Friday, 20 January 2017

Concluding Post

This post is a lot later than most of my other posts. It's been an interesting three month blogging jourey for me, as I've learned more about the links between climate and our society in general. I ended up on a tangent and explored more in terms of food security. I found this part particularly challenging as I've never thought about the complexities of food security, as well as how our climate influences it. My blogging journey meant I had to re-visit the nitrogen cycle, one that I haven't really thought about since leaving high school.

My favorite part of my blogging journey was my post on capitalism. Capitalism has been a topic we've touched on in GEOG2010, and subsequently in GEOG3072. I brought this topic into my blog because I realized despite how much we talk about anthropogenic influences on the environment, rarely do we talk about its main root cause: capitalism.

I didn't end up quite answering my questions I set at the beginning of my blogging journey, namely because my interests started to shift, as well as realizing that health is such a big topic that is merely impossible to cover due to its many facets. I hoped from my blogging journey that I would be more optimistic about the future of climate change, but looking at the COP21 agreement in depth has challenged my optimism and rather made me quite pessimistic and critical of these agreements. I realized these international agreements are more complex, and the challenge of meeting these targets are no longer a blame game, but only achievable with co-operation and conversation.

However, I leave a little more optimistic that because people are starting to realize how climate change impacts our healths and not just our living environments, that climate action will be bigger in the future. I hope for a more agriculturally stable world, with a more Malthusian view on development. I hope you enjoyed my journey as much as I did.